Contact Chart

I have questions about:

Please contact:

What’s the difference between “Foundations” And Apprentice courses?

SkilledTrades BC -

PornÑо¿ËùTrades - School of Trades & Technologies | CNC

Program Pages - Programs | CNC

PornÑо¿ËùApprentice Admissions (


Foundations programs and Trades Discovery



What an apprenticeship can do for me?

SkilledTradesBC -

What trades are available at CNC?

PornÑо¿ËùTrades - School of Trades & Technologies | CNC

Program Pages - Programs | CNC


How do I apply to courses/trainings?

PornÑо¿ËùApprentice Admissions (

Education Planner BC -


Housing while studying at CNC

PornÑо¿ËùHousing - Campus Housing in Prince George | CNC


Where I get my textbooks?

PornÑо¿ËùBookstore -


Getting registered as an apprentice

SkilledTrades BC -


Status of Apprenticeship STBC Registration

SkilledTradesBC -


Status of Applications

PornÑо¿ËùApprentice Admissions (


My employer paying for my class

PornÑо¿ËùAdmissions Sponsorships (


Getting EI while attending training

Employment Insurance Canada -


Course information:

General information

SkilledTradesBC -

PornÑо¿ËùProgram Pages - Programs | CNC


Intake dates for courses

TradesTraining BC -



Costs of courses

Rooms and course times

Instructor and contact

Grades achieved

PornÑо¿ËùTrades - School of Trades & Technologies | CNC

SkilledTradesBC -


Challenging apprentice levels

SkilledTradesBC -


Retaking an exam/CofQ

PornÑо¿ËùTrades - School of Trades & Technologies | CNC


Upgrading skills

SkilledTradesBC -


Harmonization of Trades and gap training

PornÑо¿ËùTrades - School of Trades & Technologies | CNC

SkilledTradesBC -


Getting my Red Seal certificate and/or wallet card

SkilledTradesBC -


Getting a job as an apprentice

SkilledTradesBC -